Fred Astaire Boise Students Get Taste of Competition

Couple in formal clothing dancing at Fred Astaire Boise.

When Fred Astaire Boise hosted its first in-studio and professionally judged student dance competition in March, Amanda and Anita were ready to show off their skills in front of an audience. 

The Denim and Diamonds Dance Spectacular held at Fred Astaire Boise gave studio members the opportunity to bring together everything they had learned. After hours of working with their certified dance instructors and practicing in group classes, they donned ballroom dance outfits and were ready to compete. 

Denim and Diamonds is an important step in the journey of becoming a dancer. It allows our community to come together to celebrate everything they have been diligently working on. At the same time, it opens the next chapter of their learning as they receive feedback on what they should focus on as seen by a dance expert, the judge.

Ballroom dancing at Fred Astaire Boise.

“I had a wonderful time,” Anita said. “I was nervous, I was afraid, but I knew the instructors had my back.”

Conquering nerves was part of the experience, but soon they were feeling exhilaration and satisfaction from what they and their fellow students had accomplished. 

“The event gives you something to look forward to and work towards,” Amanda said. “I felt very proud of the other students – there was wonderful camaraderie.”

There were also wonderful performances. Eleven students elegantly moved across the dance floor, whether swaying to the merengue, gliding to the waltz and generally completing the dance styles they selected with grace and composure. 

A group of women in sparkly clothing pose for a photo together at Fred Astaire Boise.

“I felt like I had enough lessons to prepare for the event,” Amanda said. “The lessons before the event went over the material we already had and weren’t trying to teach me new things or get to the next step, which allowed me to solidify where I was in preparation.”

By the end of the Denim and Diamonds event the nerves were gone, replaced by smiles, hugs and a sense of accomplishment. 

“It built my confidence,” Anita said. “It’s just a happy feeling. That’s why I’m here. I could go to any other studio, but I’m here because our instructors have the heart to take us where we need to be.”

The Fred Astaire Boise dance community poses for a photo.

Fred Astaire Boise has Dance Spotlights and competitions throughout the year. If you’re a studio member and are thinking of getting ready to compete, talk to your Fred Astaire Boise instructor or check out our calendar to see when the next competition will be held. If you feel like you’re ready to test your skills even more, Fred Astaire Dance Studios holds events across the country for all levels of dancers.


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